Your Sound Future
Select three objects from the table. What will you choose?
for one performer and one audience member
Your Sound Future (2018) is an interactive work that elicits surprise between a one-on-one encounter between the performer and participant. A table is set with many objects, and each participant is to select three that will become a part of a sounding. The participant then follows a series of questions from a folded paper chatterbox, the result of which reveals a theme (“curious”, “angry”, “silent”, etc.). The performer then improvises a short sounding with the chosen objects that is reflective of the chatterbox outcome. Your Sound Future is built in the moment and the multisensory elements—visual, aural—are revealed as the work unfolds between performer and participant.
Your Sound Future was created for and premiered at The Listening Museum 3 presented by Clocked Out Duo in Brisbane, Australia at UAP. The interactive recording provided here was captured and produced by Tangible Media.